
Liangber Publications

  1. Sha L., Teramoto M., Nam J.N., Hashimoto S., Yang M., Sanwangsri M., Liang N. 2020. Soil carbon flux research in the Asian region: review and future perspectives. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology (accepted)
  2. Bond-Lamberty B., *., He J., Hirano T., *., Liang N., *., Takagi K., Takagi M., Teramoto M., *., Zeng J., et al. 2020. COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil‐atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology 2020; 26: 7268-7283.
  3. Zhao X., Liang N., Zeng J., Mohti A. 2020. A simple model for partitioning forest soil respiration based on root allometry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 152 (2021) 108067,
  4. Sun L., Takagi K, Teramoto M., Hayakashi S., Liang N. 2020. Inter-annual variation of soil respiration and its spatial heterogeneity in a cool-temperate young larch plantation in northern Japan. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 76(3) 119-127, 2020,
  5. Sun L., Hirano T., Yazakia T., Teramoto M., Liang N. 2020. Fine root dynamics and partitioning of root respiration into growth and maintenance components in cool temperate deciduous and evergreen forests. Plant and Soil (2020) 446:471–486,
  6. Yu L., Wang H., Wang Y., Zhang Z., Chen L., Liang N., He J. 2020. Temporal variation in soil respiration and its sensitivity to temperature along a hydrological gradient in an alpine wetland of the Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 282–283 (2020) 107854,
  7. Gao J., Zhang Y., Song Q., Lin Y., Zhou R., Dong Y., Zhou L., Li J., Jin Y., Zhou W., Liu Y., Sha L., Grace J., Liang N. 2019. Stand age‐related effects on soil respiration in rubber plantations (Hevea brasiliensis) in southwest China. European Journal of Soil Science 2019; 1-13
  8. Yan T., Peng S., Wang Z., Song H., Teramoto M., Liang N., Li L., Sun Z., Xi Y. 2019. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration across multiple time scales in a temperate plantation forest. Science of the Total Environment 688 (2019) 479-485.
  9. Teramoto M., Liang N., Takahashi Y., Zeng J., Saigusa N., Ide R., Zhao X. 2019. Enhanced understory carbon flux components and robustness of net CO2 exchange after thinning in a larch forest in central Japan. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274: 106–117,
  10. Tang X., Zhang Y., Wu C., Luo K., Liang N. 2018,Responses of soil temperature and soil water content to extreme snow-damage in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan. Chinese Journal of Ecology 37(6): 1833-1840; doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.201806.016
  11. Teramoto M., Liang N., Ishida S., Zeng J. 2018. Long-term stimulatory warming effect on soil heterotrophic respiration in a cool-temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest in northern Japan. Journal of Geographical Research-Biogeosciences, 123. doi:10.1002/2018JG004432
  12. Teramoto M., Liang N., Zeng J., Saigusa N., Takahashi Y. 2017. Long-term chamber measurements reveal strong impacts of soil temperature on seasonal and inter-annual variation in understory CO2 fluxes in a Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi Sarg.) forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017): 194-206; DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.07.024
  13. Sun L., Teramoto M. Liang N. Yazaki T., Hirano T. 2017. Comparison of litter-bag and chamber methods for litter decomposition. J. Agricultural Meteorology 73(2): 59-67; DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-16-00012
  14. Liang N., Teramoto M., Takagi M., Zeng Z. 2017. High-resolution data on the impact of warming on soil CO2 efflux from an Asian monsoon forest. Scientific Data 4:170026; doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.26 (2017).
  15. Liu Y., Zhang Y., Wu C., Liang N., Sha L., Luo X., Liu Y. 2016. Simulation of the responses of soil temperature and soil heterotrophic respiration to climate warming in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Chinese Journal of Ecology 35(7): 1799-1806 (In Chinese with English abstract)
  16. Teramoto M., Liang N., Takagi M., Zeng J., Grace J. 2016. Sustained acceleration of soil carbon decomposition observed in a 6-year warming experiment in a warm-temperate forest in southern Japan. Sci. Rep. 6, 35563; doi: 10.1038/srep35563 (2016)
  17. Guo Q., Hu Z.M., Yu G.R., Sun X.M., Li L.H., Liang N., Bai W.M. 2016. Exogenous N addition enhances the responses of gross primary productivity to individual precipitation events in a temperate grassland. Sci. Rep. 6, 6:26901; doi: 10.1038/srep26901
  18. Wu C.S. Liang N., Sha L.Q., Xu X.L., Zhang Y.P., Lu H.Z., Song L., Song Q.H., Xie Y.N. 2016. Heterotrophic respiration does not acclimate to continuous warming in a subtropical forest. Sci. Rep. 6, 21561; doi: 10.1038/srep21561
  19. Guo Q., Li S.G., Hu Z.M., Zhao W., Yu G.R., Sun X.M., Li L., Liang N., Bai W. 2016. Responses of gross primary productivity to different sizes of precipitation events in a temperate grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8(1): 36–46. doi: 10.1007/s40333-015-0136-7
  20. Takada M., Yamada T., Liang N., Ibrahim S., Okuda T. 2015. Soil respiration change immediately after logging operations in an upper tropical hill forest, peninsular Malaysia. Hikobia 17: 3-9
  21. Zhang Y.P., Wu C.S., Liang N., Sha L.Q., Luo X., Liu Y.H. 2015. Responses of soil temperature, moisture and respiration to experimental warming in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan. Acta Ecologica Sinica 35(22): 7418-7425 (In Chinese with English abstract)
  22. Zhang Y.P., Wu C.S., Liang N., Sha L.Q., Luo X., Liu Y.H. 2015. The response of soil temperature with soil warming in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, SW China. Chinese Journal of Ecology 34(2): 347-351 (In Chinese with English abstract)
  23. 阿部有希子、佐藤明、菅原泉、梁 乃申、寺本宗正. 2014. 奥多摩演習林におけるスギ人工林での伐採前後の土壌呼吸速度の変化. 関東森林研究, 65 (2): 293-296
  24. Tan Z., Liang N., Zhang Y., Teramoto M., Yu G., Yan J. Soil respiration of tropical forests. Overview and synthesis. Journal of Yunnan University 35(6): 833-842; doi:10.7540/j.ynu.20120596 (In Chinese with English abstract)
  25. Wang X., Nakatsubo T., Sasaki A., Yoshitake S., Liang N., Nakane K. 2013. Responses of microbial community to soil warming in warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests. 森林立地, 55 (2): 139-143
  26. 東 健太、平野高司、寺本宗正、梁 乃申. 2013. 植生遷移が進む森林跡地のCO2フラックスに与える環境要因の影響. 北海道の農業気象, 65: 23-31
  27. Aguilos M., Takagi K., Liang N., Watanabe Y., Teramoto M., Goto S., Takahashi Y., Mukai H., Sasa K. 2013. Sustained large stimulation of soil heterotrophic respiration rate and its temperature sensitivity by soil warming in a cool-temperate forested peatland. Tellus B, 65: 20792,
  28. Song Q., Tan Z., Zhang Y., Cao M., Sha L., Tang Y., Liang N., Schaefer D., Zhao J., Zhao J., Zhang X., Yu L., Deng X. 2013. Spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration in a seasonal rainforest with complex terrain. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 6: 65-72, doi: 10.3832/ifor0681-006
  29. Yu L., Wang H., Wang G., Song W., Huang Y., Li S., Liang N., Tang Y., He J. 2013. A comparison of methane emission measurements using eddy covariance and manual and automated chamber-based techniques in Tibetan Plateau alpine wetland. Environmental Pollution 181: 81-90
  30. Tan Z., Zhang Y., Liang N., Song Q., Liu Y., You G., Li L., Yu L., Wu C., Lu Z., Wen H., Zhao J., Gao F., Yang L., Song L., Zhang Y., Teramoto M., Sha L. 2013. Soil respiration in an old-growth subtropical forest: Patterns, components, and controls. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118: 2981-2990; doi:10.1002/jgrd.50300
  31. Aguilos M., Takagi K., Liang N., Watanabe Y., Goto S., Takahashi Y., Mukai H. and K. Sasa. 2011. Soil warming in a cool-temperate mixed forest with peat soil enhanced heterotrophic and basal respiration rates but Q10 remained unchanged. Biogeosciences Discussions, 8: 6415-6445
  32. Sano T., Hirano T., Liang N., Hirata R., Fujinuma Y. 2010. Carbon dioxide exchange of a larch forest after a typhoon disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 2214-2223
  33. Liang N. , Hirano T., Zheng Z.-M., Tang J. and Fujinuma Y. 2010. Soil CO2 efflux of a larch forest in northern Japan. Biogeosciences, 7: 3447–3457; doi:10.5194/bg-7-3447-2010
  34. 梁乃申 2009. 日本における森林土壌有機炭素放出に及ぼす温暖化の影響. 関東の農業気象, 35, 7-11
  35. Takagi, K., Fukuzawa, K., Liang, N., Kayama, M., Nomura, M., Hojyo, H., Sugata, S., Shibata, H., Fukazawa, T., Nakaji, T., Oguma, H., Mano, M., Akibayashi, Y., Murayama, T., Koike, T., Sasa, K., Fujinuma, Y. 2009. Change in the CO2 balance under a series of forestry activities in a cooltemperate mixed forest with dense undergrowth. Global Change Biology 15: 1275-1288
  36. Takahashi Y., Liang N., Hirata R., Machida T. and Fujinuma Y. 2008. Variability in carbon stable isotope ratio of heterotrophic respiration in a deciduous needle-leaf forest. Journal of Geophysical Research 113: G01022, doi:10.1029/2007JG000478
  37. Takahashi Y. and Liang N. 2007. Development of chamber-based sampling technique for determination of carbon stable isotope ratio of soil respired CO2 and evaluation of influence of CO2 enrichment in chamber headspace. Geochemical Journal 41: 493-500
  38. Liang, N., Fujinuma, Y. and Inoue, G. 2005c. Measurement of wood CO2 efflux using a multichannel automated chamber system. Phyton 45: 109-115
  39. Liang, N., Fujinuma, Y. and Inoue, G. 2005b. Photosynthesis and respiration of Japanese larch -continuous measured with a multichannel automated chamber system-. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 60 (5): 797-800 (
  40. Liang, N., Fujinuma, Y. and Inoue, G. 2005a. A Multichannel Automated Chamber System for Continuous Measurement of Forest Canopy Photosynthesis. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (edited by A. Van der Est and D. Bruce), Vol. 2, pp. 1024-1026, the International Society of Photosynthesis, Montreal.
  41. Liang, N., Nakadai T., Hirano T., Qu L., Koike T., Fujinuma Y. and Inoue G. 2004. In-situ comparison of four approaches to estimating soil CO2 efflux in a northern larch (Larix kaempferi Sarg.) forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 123: 97-114; doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2003.10.002
  42. Liang, N., Inoue, G. and Fujinuma, Y. 2003. A multichannel automated chamber system for continuous measurement of forest soil CO2 efflux. Tree Physiology 23: 825-832;